Monday, June 8, 2009

Compact Powder

Mum was too shy to bling her phone.. so she does it to her compact powder instead.. :P

Interested to do the same?

Price: RM 20.00 to RM30.00 (depending on the size of the casing)

Colours available: Red-black, Gold-black

Other available designs


  1. Emm I like this one.. I mean bling2 the compact powder case. I'll think about it, nak buy new compact powder. hehe

  2. yeah you should dear. baru la stylo kat office. pilih la pattern and design mana u suka.. then i can meet u up so that you have a better choice. take your time ya.

  3. huhuu.. i LOIIKKEEE ths idea!.. a compact for a start.. top side only rite!?!
    muahhss cusen!

  4. yup.. the top part only. it depends on the shape of your compact powder. kalau dia flat then i can apply on both sides. :)
